Revelation Breathwork is a transformational therapeutic breathing process which combines an ancient breathing technique with upbeat, positive music to create an incredible physical and spiritual experience.
It is intended to help with personal awareness and emotional healing.
Are you ready to release pent up stress, anxiety, fatigue, and/or toxins? What if you stop overthinking,
worrying, and letting unhealed wound patterns run your life? What if you open your heart, receive love,
and welcome healing? See what happens when you stop managing the mystery of life by trusting the
wisdom and light within. Let the breath be the bridge from your head into your body. Healing is a
journey not a destination, and it is remembering your divine nature as love.
Revelation Breathwork connects you with your true self; perfect, whole, expansive, and eternally
connected to the Divine, Source, Spirit, God, or whatever you believe. Revelation Breathwork is a
transformational process that combines an ancient two-step breathing technique with contemporary,
upbeat, positive music to create an incredible physical and spiritual experience. It is a simple, safe, and
extremely effective process for experiencing breakthroughs and optimal wellness in your life.
This technique is to get out of the “monkey mind” and back into the body, stimulating the sympathetic
nervous system which (in turn) triggers a controlled fight, flight, or freeze response in the body allowing
for a release/surrendering of pent-up or stagnant energy trapped in the body.
Alice Rubert is a trained Trauma Informed Revelation Breathwork Facilitator ® and is in the process of
becoming certified. During her training and her own regular practice with Revelation Breathwork, Alice
has experienced the release of everyday anxiety, pent up anxiety, limiting beliefs, doubts, fears,
procrastination, grief, sadness, and guilt. She has additionally released feelings and emotions that were
holding her back from being the best version of herself! Alice has also experienced expansion, joy,
happiness, playfulness, and excitement, all of which have allowed her to blossom into a more calm,
passionate, supportive, and caring facilitator.
The great thing about Revelation Breathwork is that you are in complete control of the experience.
If it is getting too intense you simply stop doing the active breathing. Revelation Breathwork is
empowering for this very reason. You are the person who is controlling the breathing. Nothing is being done to you.
Each breathwork session is different and the experience is always unique.
Note: The most important part of Revelation Breathwork is to allow yourself to have whatever
experience you are having, without judging it, wanting it to stop, trying to deny that we are
having it, or wishing it was different. The more we are able to surrender to the experience and
trust that our body is safe and knows what it can handle, we will have a healing and rejuvenating
People have practiced breathwork to:
Move up emotional guidance scale - Enrich creativity - Improve personal and professional
relationships - Increase confidence, self-esteem and self-image - Access healing and insight -
Expand consciousness - Move past feeling stuck - Be supported during mourning or
grieving - Explore their feelings - Access inner wisdom and intuition - Connect more deeply
with themselves - Overcome feelings of discouragement - Feel more empowered - Create a more fulfilling life
How can Breathwork help?
Sleep better
Shift depression
Access alternate state of consciousness
Get clarity on challenging issues
Reduce anxiety and stress levels
Relieve chronic pain
Receive intuitive insights
Heal emotional pain and trauma
Increase self awareness
Release anger
Overcome addictions
Diminish fear of death
Increase joy and happiness
Develop and increase a sense of greater connection
Process emotions
Revelation Breathwork is considered a safe, enjoyable and well-tolerated experience for most
people. It can result in an intense physical and emotional release and therefore, in some cases, it
may not be advisable to do breathwork.
For the full list of contraindications, please refer to the FAQs section.
* Please consult with your medical provider before practicing this type of breathing if you have, or have a history of *
Cardiovascular disease
Heart Attack
High blood pressure
Retinal detachment
Recent injury or surgery
Any conditions for which you take regular medications
History of panic attacks, psychosis
Severe mental illnesses
Seizure disorders
Family history of aneurysms
Reference: Grof S. The Adventure of Self-Discovery. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988 Revelation Breathwork
Preparing for your Session:
DO MINORS NEED PARENTAL CONSENT TO BE MASSAGED?o Yes, it is best practice to have parental consent prior to scheduling a massage.
WHAT ARE THE PRICES FOR MASSAGES?o 60-minute massage is $90.00 o 75-minute massage is $105.00 o 90-minute massage is $120.00
REVELATION BREATHWORK PRICINGPrivate 1:1 60 Minute Revelation Breathwork Session - $100 Includes discussion about what's happening in your life to help with intention setting, breathwork session, & discussion/tips on how to integrate after session Private 1:1 30 Minute Revelation Breathwork Session - $75 Includes intention setting & breathwork session, & tips on how to integrate after session Private Couple Session 60 Minute Revelation Breathwork Session - $200.00 Includes discussion about what brought you to the session, intention setting, breathwork session, & discussion/tips on how to integrate after session Private Group Session in Waterside Wellness Studio -60 Minute Revelation Breathwork Session - 5 ppl. max - $100/pp • Includes intention setting, based around a general theme, breathwork session, & discussion/tips on how to integrate after session
ARE THERE ANY REASONS I SHOULDN’T PARTICIPATE IN REVELATION BREATHWORK?o Revelation Breathwork sometimes results in intense physical and emotional release. Please consult with your medical provider before practicing this type of breathing if you have a history of  cardiovascular disease  Heart attack  High blood pressure  Glaucoma  Retinal detachment  Osteoporosis  Significant recent physical injuries, or surgery  Any conditions for which you take regular medications  History of panic attacks, psychosis  Severe mental illnesses  Seizure disorders  Family history of aneurysms  Reference: Grof S. The Adventure of Self-Discovery. Albany, NY: State of University of New York Press, 1988 - Revelation Breathwork o Pregnant women are advised against practicing Revelation Breathwork due to the potential for oxygen levels in the blood to shift. o Persons with asthma should have their inhaler close by just in case and consult with their primary care physician. o Persons with infectious or communicable diseases or COVID should avoid practice until they are feeling well and cleared by their health practitioner. o This work is deeply experiential. It may involve intense & energetic emotional release. Revelation Breathwork does not substitute for psychotherapy, but it can significantly deepen and enhance psychotherapy and other healing and personal growth efforts.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I ATTEND A REVELATION BREATHWORK CLASS/SESSION?o There is no one correct answer to this question. Revelation Breathwork is a very effective tool that allows a person to release mental and emotional stress, as well as connect to their spiritual authentic self. o Each Revelation Breathwork session is different because we are different each time we engage in the practice. Therefore, we recommend that you do Revelation Breathwork regularly. You are investing time into the relationship with yourself, and/or your partner, and/or as a group. In my experience, I find that practicing Revelation Breathwork at least once a week helps with my mood and energy. If you think of Revelation Breathwork as an energetic detox and recharge, it makes sense to do it regularly, just like brushing your teeth.
DO YOU OFFER REVELATION BREATHWORK OUTSIDE OF THE WATERSIDE WELLNESS STUDIO?o Yes! I’d be happy to host a Revelation Breathwork session at your home or place of work! For larger groups 25 people maximum is $100/per person. For smaller more intimate groups 10 people maximum $100/per person. We can focus on a theme; abundance, vulnerability, safety, communication, love, openness, compassion, surrender, empowerment.
WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE IN REVELATION BREATHWORK?o Revelation Breathwork is the ideal activity for so many because it truly meets you where you are. If you need physical relaxation, you will receive that. If you need an emotional release, you will experience that. If you need a mental break from constant thought and worry, you will receive that. If you are open to mystical experiences, you can have that as well. Sometimes it can be very emotional other times it can be light and joyful. Other times we can access new ideas & insights or inspirations we need for our business & creative projects. Infinite possibilities, life is limitless, you are one with life! o The most important part of Revelation Breathwork is to allow yourself to have whatever experience you are having, without judging it, wanting it to stop, trying to deny that you are having it, or wishing it was different. If you are able to surrender to the experience and trust that your body is safe and knows what it can handle, you will have a healing and rejuvenating experience. o With Revelation Breathwork you are in complete control of the experience. If it is getting too intense you simply stop or slow your active breathing. Revelation Breathwork is empowering for this very reason. You are the person who is controlling the breathing. Nothing is being done to you. o Participants regularly report that Revelation Breathwork has helped them to:  sleep longer and dramatically improve the quality of their sleep  relieve chronic pain  shift depression  release anger  support recovery from addiction  receive intuitive insights  clarify troublesome areas of their lives  participants report that it helps them find meaning and purpose in their life, get rid of negative thoughts diminish their fear of death, release accumulated stress and trauma, and feel a sense of greater connection with physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of themselves.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT DURING A REVELATION BREATHWORK SESSION?o A Revelation Breathwork session is approximately 60-70 minutes long, separated into three parts. Each participant has their own space and usually lays on a mat or blanket. o To start the session and create a safe container for the Breathwork session we practice a centering meditation, these are for both a private and group/couple session. o The first part includes a breakdown of how the session will go, along with an introduction explaining how to do the 2-part active breathing technique. We make sure everyone understands the process before moving forward. During a group session we may also raise a brief theme like abundance, surrender, empowerment, or compassion as examples. o The second part consists of the active breathing portion. This lasts about 30-32 minutes. It is accompanied by a personal playlist that incorporates positive, upbeat music that has a good beat and energy. Some people like to breath to the beat of the music if it so suits them. Towards the end of the active breathing session, there is a song with bigger energy where participants are encouraged to let out a big, primal scream or dance, shake out excess energy. This can be an incredible release. o The third part is the rest & receive portion of the class. This where the active breathing technique stops and we transition to regular nose breathing, like savasana in yoga. Softer music is played and participants are guided through a process.
CAN I PRACTICE REVELATION BREATHWORK ON MY OWN, WITHOUT THE USE OF A FACILITATOR?o Yes, once you’ve learned the Revelation Breathwork technique with a Revelation Breathwork facilitator, you can start simple and find a 7–10-minute music track (or tracks) and then add about 3 minutes of rest afterward. That’s only 10 minutes out of your day to center and care for yourself.
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE IN REVELATION BREATHWORK?o Revelation Breathwork is an experience accessible to almost everyone. It’s ideal for anyone who wants to:  access healing and insight  expand consciousness  tap into more creativity  release stress or anxiety  move past the feeling of being stuck and re-energize their life  release emotional or physical symptoms and unproductive behavior patterns  transform the negative side effects of long-forgotten events buried deep in their unconscious  heal trauma  connect more deeply or get in touch with their spiritual essence  be supported through a period of mourning or grieving  explore feelings about the state of the world around them  work through physical illness by exploring emotional issues associated with the illness  discover their higher calling or vocation  experience mystical states  move on from depression  overcome feelings of discouragement, listlessness, or disorientation  become empowered  experience the power of the breath  deepen their capacity to support themselves and their loved ones  access their inner wisdom and intuition  know themselves more deeply  create a more fulfilling life
HOW CAN I INTEGRATE MY EXPERIENCE AFTER A SESSION?o Revelation Breathwork is extremely personal. As such, participants have a wide-range of experiences that are unique to their lives. It is common to be at a loss for words after a session since your analytical mind has been moved to the side. When the session is over, this analytical mind can come rushing in wanting to understand or explain what happened. There are several ways to integrate after a session:  Some people find that talking about their experience can validate it. They find comfort in discussing the experience with others  Other people wish to remain in silence and enjoy the quiet before the analytical mind kicks in  It’s common to feel ungrounded after a session. Drinking water helps a lot, as does eating nourishing foods. Get out in nature and get your bare feet on the earth if weather permits.  Some people like to journal or draw after their experience  Some people feel charged and energized, while others may feel drained o All experiences are OK. And because each session is different, how we feel after each session may be different. If you have any concerns about how you feel after a session, please contact your facilitator to discuss how to manage your experiences.
DO YOU HOST GROUP GUIDED MEDITATION SESSIONS OUTSIDE OF THE WATERSIDE WELLNESS STUDIO, IF SO, HOW MUCH?o Yes! I’d love to host a group guided session at your home and or place of work. I charge $30/per person includes travel time and prep for meditation. 5 people minimum and 20 people maximum for group sizes.
DO YOU OFFER PRIVATE GUIDED MEDITATION SESSIONS? IF SO, WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT?o Yes, there are 30 minute in-studio private sessions. The first 10 minutes to discuss how the client is feeling or anything they’d like to specifically work on. The guided meditation is 20 minutes. The rest of the time leaves of discussing how the meditation experience was or any questions the client may have.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT WHEN ATTENDING A GROUP GUIDED MEDITATION?o Group guided sessions are 30 minutes. The first 10 minutes to discuss a topic or catch up with how clients are feeling. The guided meditation portion is 20 minutes in total and mainly focus on coming into the moment which (in-turn) helps with settling the body and mind through various meditation styles i.e.; body scan, mindfulness meditation, breath awareness, mantra meditations, love & kindness meditation.
DO YOU OFFER STREAMING CLASSES?o Yes, all group guided and private sessions can be available via zoom or live streaming through the Vagaro app
WHAT ARE THE PRICES FOR PRIVATE GUIDED MEDITATION SESSIONS?o Private sessions are $45/per person o 5 class pack for private guided sessions is $200/per person – no expiration
WHAT ARE THE PRICES FOR GROUP GUIDED MEDITATION SESSIONS?o The first session is FREE for all new meditation clients o After the first session they are $25/per person o 5 class pack for group guided are $100/per person – no expiration